I was going to write about the Tacx Tao, which I know is a popular cage. I thought writing about it would get me more traffic than writing about a cage nobody thinks is Pro. But Dave already wrote about the Tao, in far fewer words than I would have. He said some people say the bottom tabs break off. I'm one of those people, though I never actually said it to Dave. But it does happen - trust me. I wouldn't use the Tacx Tao again.
Then I was going to write about the Trek Bat Cage, which is awesome. But District Velocity said so already so I'm not telling anybody anything they can't find out as easily as they find out whatever it is I will tell you. I wish I had Bat Cages at Poolesville last year.
The cages I did have at Poolesville were Serfas CC1-Cirque. I lost a full bottle the first time through the gravel, and a half-full bottle the second time through the gravel. They've also jettisoned bottles on moderately bumpy pavement, and once over a manhole cover in the corner of a downtown crit. Still, at 23 grams each (and a further weight reduction of over 2 lbs to my bike since they won't actually carry bottles), they offer a huge competitive advantage to racers able to store several liters of water in their bladders to dispense strategically into their system as needed over a 2-hour race in hot weather.
They're still on my bike because I paid too much for them and can't in good conscience replace them.
The Serfas CC-1 Cirque, pictured in its typical state - without a bottle.