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  • Each day I ride, I'll post my power file here. I use an iAero III and iBike software for Mac (files from 5/09 and earlier were from a PowerTap and Saris' PowerAgent software). The file will give you all the same information I have. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them there.

    I am a 170lb Cat 3 road racer.

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Deej Brew

Please tell me you are not still doing these workouts on the trainer in this weather!?

Mike May

Hey DJ-

No way man. I've found that Beach Drive in the park is perfect for interval work. I can just rip through stop signs and lights, and fly past cars on either the right or the left side without even slowing down, if they have to stop for whatever reason. And it's perfect for training with a couple of teammates. A lane is wide enough to ride 3 abreast, so we'll do nice slow recovery ride chats through there for hours. Never see any of those park cops around to tell us otherwise. Don't know what they're doing - probably doing training rides longer than 45 minutes, which takes them well outside of the park...

Although when I got home yesterday and out of the 86 degree sun and parked my bike in the nice cool 62 degree basement, I almost missed the trainer. Almost.

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