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  • Each day I ride, I'll post my power file here. I use an iAero III and iBike software for Mac (files from 5/09 and earlier were from a PowerTap and Saris' PowerAgent software). The file will give you all the same information I have. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them there.

    I am a 170lb Cat 3 road racer.

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i want you to win a race and then you should say "you got brilfed' to everybody you beat.

Mike May

That's a good idea. Leadouts are now being accepted.


oh..i should have mentioned...no races that I am in.

Aw Naw Big Kliph Dawg

if you can extend the time by 12-15 minutes, you could out TT me with those numbers. those were similar to my church creek numbers

Mike May

But your effort was steady at that output. The only way I'll ever average 300 Watts for a full hour is by spending at least 45 minutes of it 100 watts above and/or below 300. I'm unleaded only - do not fill with diesel fuel.

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